Wungle Text for Tumblr

Hide text in plain sight, and find the text hidden by others via browser extension.

Basically, the point is to replicate the fictional extension in this post.

Available on Firefox and Firefox for Android!

You can also downaload the .xpi from here.

Due to chrome extension development monetary requirements (publishing a chrome extension costs real money), this extension is only available on the Firefox Add-on store.

Making the post actually flip over will have to wait until all the all important functionality (creating and reading) works as well as it can.

If you want to contribute go to the GitHub, fork it and make a pull request. If you have any suggestions or issues please make an issue.

The Specification

(If you're just using the extension you don't have to care about or read this.)

The wungle text specification as devised by Lukadjo is as follows:

As long as you encode the wungle text according to the outlined rules, it will work with this extension.